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Pen Light Sets Off  Illustration Bomb!

December 1, 2010

Inside Counsel Magazine asked me to do an illustration for a story about a good-faith clerical error in a lengthy and complex contract that resulted in a 1.67 billion dollar lawsuit. I used Photoshop drawing tools to construct a symmetrical bomb,
then added a hand and coat sleeve, and a fuse for the bomb:hand and bomb with fuse part of Inside Counsel Magazine lawsuit illustration

I wanted to light the fuse with a pen that looked like a burning match. I used Photoshop’s Pen tool to extract a fancy gold pen point and an elegant business pen
from these two photos:pen and pen points part of Inside Counsel Magazine lawsuit illustration

I used the Warp tool to make the pen point look like a flickering flame, and applied a Selective Color command to convert the pen from silver to gold:hand lighting bomb fuse with pen part of Inside Counsel Magazine lawsuit illustration

Lorem Ipsum is a Latin-based dummy text that’s been used by the printing industry since the 1500’s. I used a lorem ipsum generator to create several paragraphs of densely-worded text to convey the sense of a complex legal document:block of lorem ipsum filler text used in Inside Counsel Magazine illustration

I took a screen shot of the text, pasted it into the illustration, reduced the opacity,
then added a bluish background to create depth and simulate the look of parchment:hand lighting bomb fuse with pen part of Inside Counsel Magazine lawsuit illustration

Finally, I used two different gradients (white and yellow) and a brush set to scatter
and fade to create a burning fuse. I added white text to the bomb, then rasterized
the text and used the Warp tool to make it fit inside the bomb. Here’s the final:hand lighting bomb fuse with pen to signify huge lawsuit resulting from contract clerical error

7 Comments leave one →
  1. Bob Johnson permalink
    December 2, 2010 4:37 PM

    I hope the terrorists don’t get ahold of this,


  2. Bob Johnson permalink
    December 2, 2010 4:38 PM

    Looks pretty dangerous.


  3. December 3, 2010 9:35 AM

    Paging James Bond, paging James Bond!


  4. December 3, 2010 10:15 AM

    I like the new Mark Armstrong illustration with the bomb in your header: very hot!


A penny for your thoughts. I'm on a tight budget here.

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