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Pennies From Heaven: Attack Of The Tweety Boids

January 20, 2012

Time for more courtroom humor. I illustrate a monthly humor feature called Strange Suits for Inside Counsel Magazine. They send me four cases, I sketch out an idea for each, they pick the one they like best.

Here’s the latest winner. The case involved a company that’s suing an ex-employee for taking 17,000 of the company’s Twitter followers with him when he left. Definitely a messy situation.

Scroll down to see the rough sketches for the cases that weren’t selected.

courtroom scene involving case where defendant accused of stealing company Twitter followers and birds flying and tweeting everywhere and pooping on judge, lawyer, and jury

This case involved a woman and her son who are suing Walmart. They claim they tried to return a television set and were attacked by store security guards.courtroom scene for case where mother and son suing Walmart for security guards attacking them when they tried to return a tv

French fashion house Louis Vuitton is suing Warner Brothers over the film The Hangover, Part II. Vuitton claims the movie features counterfeit versions of its luggage which could cause “consumer confusion.”courtroom scene involving case where Louis Vuitton suing Warner Brothers for including its brand-name luggage in a movie about drunks with hangovers

Lady Gaga is being sued by a former personal assistant who claims Gaga owes her for periods when the assistant was “figuratively, if not literally,” always at Lady G’s side.courtroom scene for case where Lady Gaga sued by former personal assistant and she's singing in court and judge, lawyer, and jury all stuffing cotton in their ears

And here’s the rough sketch for the Tweety Birds case:courtroom scene involving case where defendant accused of stealing company Twitter followers and birds flying and tweeting everywhere and pooping on judge, lawyer, and jury

What do you think? Will social media be featured in more and more court cases? Have “frivolous” and “lawsuit” become synonymous? Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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19 Comments leave one →
  1. January 20, 2012 1:17 PM

    Haha, I really like the one that was chosen the best =]

    I feel that it captures the essence of what it is about more than the others.
    It must have taken you ages to draw every little bird and their different movements.


    • January 20, 2012 3:51 PM

      Actually I drew them all very fast. It’s easy when you have a birdbrain… : P

      Thank you for, er, flying in with that kind comment!


  2. January 20, 2012 2:06 PM

    I think the two have become synonymous more often that is healthy. That being said, if we ever decide not to be friends anymore you have to “give back” all of the followers you added as a result of my RT’s of your amazing stuff. So I hope you’re tracking that;-) Geez,


    • January 20, 2012 4:02 PM

      Decide not to be friends with a dear sweet person like you?? Never!! Why, if that ever happened, I’d go find a bird sanctuary and sit on a rock with a big target painted on my head– and I’d deserve every little thing I got… : (

      Friends forever! Thanks for all your amazing support!


  3. January 20, 2012 9:37 PM

    Awesome choice- although I do like them all- very current. ‘Twitterrific!’


    • January 21, 2012 10:02 AM

      Twitterrific?? Gosh! A lotta people have given me the bird, but never as nicely as that!! Thanks, Scott! : )


  4. robpixaday permalink
    January 21, 2012 3:41 PM


    You presented your case brilliantly, Counselor!

    Social media and the legal system are destined to mix and mingle for a long time…society’s most deliciously symbiotic matchup, I think. People in groups? People who can tap a key and immediately contact thousands of other like-minded people? People with “unlimited”freedom to speak? Wow. Fertile ground for litigation.

    LOVE the Twitter one! You made me duck my head…LOL!!!!
    The others are fabulous, too.

    The “artist” (BWAHAH!!!! that still makes me laugh) in me is noticing how you used the same background (the judge’s bench and chair, etc.) for each. VERY good idea! The “ex-law student” (never a lawyer, though) in me is wondering how those cases came out. Maybe I’ll go search for them.

    DELIGHTFUL post~!!

    ::slams the gavel and runs like the wind::


    • January 21, 2012 10:00 PM

      This comment made me roar with laughter and brought joy to my aorta!

      ::clasps hands, skips, trips, falls in wastebasket::

      Thank you, thank you, thank you, I’m sustaining all your supportive enthusiasms, how could I possibly object?? : )

      Yes, you have an artist’s eye (great artist that you are). Way back when, I used to set some of the gags outside the courtroom. However, the “winners” always seemed to feature the same stock courtroom scene, so now I create all the gags expressly for same (which creates its own special challenge).

      I never knew you were an ex-law student. Veddy interesting. Thank goodness you got into art, where you can earn some real money, uh-huh… : (

      You done made my day– thank’ee!

      ::runs in circles, does back flip, lands in fish tank, wait I don’t have a fish tank::


  5. January 23, 2012 9:31 PM

    Hahahahahaha..I really like number 2 and 4, and I think number 2 is the right choice since it delivers the message. 🙂

    Great job, Mark! 🙂


    • January 24, 2012 7:59 AM

      Thank you so much, Inge!

      The sound of your merry laughter trilling across the ocean from the U.K. is sweeter than– well, sweeter than the tweeting of happy Twitter birds is what it is!! : )


  6. January 24, 2012 10:40 AM

    Tweeter!! haha these are amazing! You actually make court cases enjoyable 😀 I love the twitter one and the lady gaga one made me giggle quietly to myself ^^ Awesome awesome work!!


    • January 24, 2012 2:18 PM

      What?? You thought you were giggling quietly to yourself? Not so! I heard you– and it was a very pleasant sound… : )

      Thanks, Jane– I appreciate your watering my blog with your cheery fox rain!!


  7. January 24, 2012 4:48 PM

    Put a bird on it!


    I was on the grand jury of a manslaughter case where the dad of a dead child was accused of not caring because he (allegedly) spoke to the media before he spoke to the police. I think if someone is shoving a microphone at me I might just go ahead and say something to get them off my back.

    On the other hand I’m constantly amazed by what people openly share online these days. For prosecuters it must be like shooting fish in a barrel.


    • January 24, 2012 10:51 PM

      Put a bird on it?? Sounds like something Alfred Hitchcock said to Tippi Hedren… : )

      That was a ghastly story concerning the manslaughter case. I’ve often thought that shoving a microphone in the face of a grieving person qualifies as a criminal act. You see it all the time. Makes me angry and positively ill…

      Yes, it is amazing what people share online. Still, I’m very glad you stopped by and shared your comment– thank you!


      • January 25, 2012 3:33 PM

        Oh, you’ve missed Portlandia? All the couch potatoes of America know about this! 😀 (Just Google: Put a bird on it and watch the first video you see). I won’t post a link because WP will place a giant obtrusive youtube frame right in the middle of your nice neighborhood comments.


        • January 25, 2012 5:10 PM

          Ah! I think I see the problem: I’m a chair potato, not a coach potato– probably because we don’t have cable, just an antenna… : (

          That was a very funny video. I gotta believe those two people are from New Hampshuh. They musta moved to Portland… : )

          Thanks for bringing me up to date. I’m gonna put a bird on all my cartoons from now on! : )


  8. January 26, 2012 8:55 AM

    They are all funny… 🙂 I love humor and cartoons… Keep it up!
    Thanks for sharing your talent in the universe.
    Have fun and nice meeting you here via WordPress 🙂


    • January 26, 2012 12:43 PM

      Sharing my talent with the universe… hmm! I didn’t realize my influence was so widespread! I must take my galactic responsibilities more seriously… : )

      Don’t know about the universe, but it’s certainly a pleasure sharing an exchange with you, Dolly– many thanks for your kind support!


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