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Do What Gets Talked About, Talk About What Gets Done

September 17, 2014

Anybody else on LinkedIn? That’s the social media site for business, as opposed to the fun and games of, say, Facebook, or a purely personal blog.

I have a LinkedIn profile because I’m a commercial freelance illustrator who wants to attract clients.

LinkedIn members can publish posts on the LinkedIn platform at no charge. It’s a new feature, just introduced this year. It’s a way to demonstrate your expertise on a subject.

So far, I’ve published three posts on LinkedIn. The latest was titled The 2 Things You Have To Do To Attract Clients. I created this graphic for it:

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Black woman, white man talking laughing air filled with social media icon buttons Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Do what gets talked about, talk about what gets done

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Basically, it’s all about attracting the right kind of attention. I think an artist does that
by creating work so good (or beautiful or funny), it has to be shared. It’s work that Gets Talked About.

But it can’t be shared unless it’s seen. Which means the artist has to Talk About What Gets Done in his studio. One way to do that is to post work on his blog, and on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.

I needed some social media icon buttons to represent what the two people are talking about. I did a Google search for same, and found a beautiful set by Martin, a digital
artist in the Czech Republic. Here’s a close-up:

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detail image of Black woman, white man talking laughing air filled with social media icon buttons Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Do what gets talked about, talk about what gets done

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A few remarks on the background for any Photoshop users out there:

I have some vintage “sunburst” patterns, and I thought one of these would provide some energy in a fun way. Here’s what it looked like when I first pasted it in on a separate layer:

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sunburst background for Black woman, white man talking laughing air filled with social media icon buttons Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Do what gets talked about, talk about what gets done

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Obviously, it overpowered all the main elements in the drawing, and had to be muted. I added a layer mask, but that left everything looking thoroughly washed out.

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sunburst background with layer mask for Black woman, white man talking laughing air filled with social media icon buttons Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Do what gets talked about, talk about what gets done

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I don’t have any magic solutions when things like this happen. I just start experimenting.

I wound up adding a layer of flat yellow color, then overlaying it with a retro dot pattern, which created this effect.

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retro pattern overlay on Black woman, white man talking laughing air filled with social media icon buttons Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Do what gets talked about, talk about what gets done

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I liked it a lot, but it needed a color boost. A good way to achieve this in Photoshop is to group the layers together, then duplicate the entire group and experiment with layer blending modes.

Here’s the Layers window for the final result. I’ve indicated the blending mode for each layer in dark blue type.

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Photoshop Layers window showing background build sequence for Black woman, white man talking laughing air filled with social media icon buttons Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Do what gets talked about, talk about what gets done

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Here’s the final again, all by itself:

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Black woman, white man talking laughing air filled with social media icon buttons Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Do what gets talked about, talk about what gets done

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One final note: You might be asking yourself: Why bother to write separate posts for LinkedIn? Why not just use the WordPress Publicize feature so all your WP blog posts are automatically posted to LinkedIn?

Three reasons:

1) Publishing directly on the LinkedIn platform looks more “professional” simply because LinkedIn is a business network.

2) An original post always scores points because it is original. Someone made a special effort. That carries more “weight” than a previously published post, no matter how good the latter may be.

3) According to this recent post on Social Media Blunders by my go-to blogging expert, Time Thief, autoposts can be perceived as low-value, or, even worse, spam. And as Ben Huberman writes in this Daily Post entry, not every WP blog post is a good match for LinkedIn, especially if you write on non-business topics.

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Do you have a strategy for attracting clients? Would you care to share it?

Are you a member of LinkedIn? If so, have you found it useful in attracting clients?

Would conversations be more enjoyable if when people talked, little icons came out of their mouths??

Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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If you enjoyed this post, please click the Like button below.

If you’d like to share this post with others, please click Tweet or Facebook or StumbleUpon or one of the other Share buttons.

I also invite you to get updates. Just click the Get Updates button in the sidebar below the Portfolio Thumbnails, or click + Follow in the blog menu bar.

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footer for all future blog posts showing picture of blog author Mark Armstrong, along with short bio and contact information

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26 Comments leave one →
  1. Mia Moravis permalink
    September 17, 2014 12:41 PM

    Wonderful post, Mark, and very informative – thank you! ~Mia Moravis (your LinkedIn colleague!)


    • September 20, 2014 11:32 AM

      Thank you, dear Mia! Your comment made me so happy, I put on my kilt and danced a Highland jig! It was quite a sight, I can tell you. I’m lying down now, and resting quietly… : )


  2. September 17, 2014 2:37 PM

    Still loving your artwork :0)


    • September 20, 2014 11:52 AM

      What? I haven’t lost my appeal after all this time?? I can’t tell you how reassuring that is, my dear Ramona! : )

      It’s a pleasure for me to know The World’s Best Cross-Stitcher, and the person with The Most Astounding Blog Title in the entire blogging universe!! Thanks a heap for all your good-humored support!

      Liked by 1 person

      • September 20, 2014 2:48 PM

        Mark, your writing is as awesome as your gifted artistry! You always bring such a smile to my face :0) Thank you!


  3. September 17, 2014 5:45 PM

    You are making me change my perspective on Linkedin. Even though I’ve had an account for a few years now, I rarely logged in or gave it much attention. Your post is truly enlightening, my friend. Good points! Maybe it’s time I spent a little more time there too. Thank you so much, Mark. Excellent illustration. It speaks all that needs to be said! 🙂


    • September 20, 2014 12:07 PM

      Great Zeus!!– I’ve become a source of enlightenment?? Well, I never thought it would come to that… : )

      Thank you for your kind words, my dear Marina! I know LinkedIn is sure to benefit from your keen insights and vivacious personality– two things you and I have always had in common… : )

      Thank you for visiting this humble mortal’s blog!! : )

      Liked by 1 person

  4. September 18, 2014 4:51 PM

    Whoaaaaa! This is not so appealing and convincing at all! It didn’t get my attention.

    Just kidding! 😆

    But really, you always follow Toothsome’s footsteps… She loves photoshopping too… hehehe

    D’accord… hmmmm seriously- The illustration clearly says it all!

    Amazing! I am truly impressed!
    Another breakthrough!
    You’re a genius! mmmwahhhh mmmwahhh mmmwahhh

    P.S. Don’t mind this comment. It’s just me and we’re connected 🙂


    • September 24, 2014 8:52 AM

      Whoaaaa! What a comment! My face is burning with virtual kisses! It pays to have a blog, yes indeed, it certainly does… : )

      Yes, my dear Dolly, I have endeavored to walk in your footsteps, even tho they’re so small and dainty. And it’s clearly paid off– in more ways than one! By carefully studying your work, and flossing every day, I have become a genius. So I think it’s time to celebrate with a donut or six, and I hope you will join me at the Lemons R Us Café… : )

      As always, thank you for all your guidance and outrageous good humor– mmmmmmmmwahhhhh!! : )

      Liked by 1 person

  5. September 19, 2014 9:58 PM

    Oh dear, I’m about to fall out of my chair…

    Yes, Mark, I can see your profile on LinkedIn just fine– and I’ll be sending you an invitation!


    • September 20, 2014 11:47 AM

      What? You don’t have seat belts on your chairs?? Better get some installed, my dear fellow– they’ve saved me many a time after nodding off… : )

      Would be very happy to connect with you, Jak– nice to see you, and thanks as always for your support!


  6. September 20, 2014 1:19 AM

    My dear Mark, you are really an industrial guy. How do you manage it to care for so many social media?????
    I love your illustration how people exchange a cloud of simplified icon messages. Perhaps it’ll become trendy that people get a LIKE button implanted. When we meet coincitently in the street you could hit my button! ( instead of a circuitous chat) 😀


    • September 24, 2014 9:03 AM

      I am an industrial guy, my dear Tutti: someone swept up all the gunk and debris from the factory floor, popped it in a blender, and here I am!! : )

      Yes, speaking in icons instead of words– that’ll be the next phase in man’s evolution. Someone will invent a kind of digital soap bubbles (in many tasty flavors). We’ll gargle with them, and then when we speak, pretty little icon bubbles will come out. Yes, that’s my confident prediction… : )

      Like Button implants!!!– what a great idea! a stroke of genius, my dear Tutti! We could just push people’s buttons if we were in a hurry, and didn’t want to leave a soap bubble comment!! You have exceeded yourself, dear Tutti– and that takes some doing!! : )

      Liked by 1 person

  7. September 20, 2014 11:38 AM

    Great post Mark. Thanks so much for backlinking. I am not a LinkedIn member. I think many bloggers need to stop and think about where and how they promote their posts.


    • September 24, 2014 9:26 AM

      Thanks so much, TT, and it was my pleasure to backlink to your very thought-provoking post. It’s a post every blogger should read.

      I’m embarrassed to say that I’d always accepted the idea that “publicizing” my blog posts (by using WP’s Publicize settings to automatically repost them to Facebook, Twitter, etc) was a good thing. It never occurred to me that doing that is a lot like spam: automatic, scatter-shot, a canned pitch, so to speak. I’d been auto-posting my blog posts to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. After reading your post, I turned all that off. In future if I want to share a post, I’ll do it one at a time.

      Thanks for all your support, and for being such a good influence.


  8. September 20, 2014 5:38 PM

    I do like the changes you made to your illustration, Mark. The vintage sunburst pattern was too dark, and, you’re right, it was overpowering. The final illustration sums it up beautifully.

    You mentioned timethief’s column about posting on LinkedIn. I do send my posts to LinkedIn as well and have been wondering if that’s something I should continue. There could be a business link if I was to do more with it. What are your thoughts, my friend?


    • September 24, 2014 9:55 AM

      Hi Judy, please excuse this tardy reply!

      After reading Time Thief’s post on auto-posting, i.e., using WP’s Publicize feature to automatically post one’s blog posts to other social media sites, I went into my own Publicize settings and turned everything off.

      Re LinkedIn: I had been using Publicize to automatically post all my blog posts to LinkedIn. I can see now that doing so was a bad mistake. Why? Because LinkedIn is a purely business network (well, it’s supposed to be anyway, even tho it has its share or spam, IMO). Posts and status updates to LI are supposed to be about one’s work. Alternatively, you’re posting something that would benefit others in their work.

      Many of my WP blog posts are work-related, but certainly not all. Some are just jokes– silly, fun stuff. The latter don’t belong on LinkedIn. But Publicize doesn’t discriminate– it was automatically putting all my blog posts on LI. So the silly, jokey stuff was making me look unprofessional. That’s why I discontinued using Publicize for LinkedIn.

      The good news: I can always repost a particular blog post to LI– something that’s business-related; I just have to do it manually, one at a time. Hope that helps, my dear Judy, and thanks as always for your wunnaful, wunnaful support!! : )


      • September 24, 2014 7:33 PM

        Thanks for the advice, Mark. I will check my own settings. I know that I have pushed the LinkedIn button. So I don’t know if it is published automatically. But I will check. Gracias, amigo. 😉


  9. September 23, 2014 12:27 PM

    Mark! What great advice! You know I never really thought about it before but the publicize button on WP is kind of spammy-ish now that I think about it. You always come up with a new insight on your posts. I love the way your final cartoon came out with the vintage polka-dots! Very informative and fun as all get out, Mr. MacGiggles!


    • September 24, 2014 10:05 AM

      My dear Linda! It’s always a red lettuce day when you visit my blog!! (I’ve never understood red letter day, so I always go out and buy red lettuce instead).

      Yes, on rare occasions I can be a source of good advice. But that means I have to steal it from someplace else, in this case from Time Thief’s post on Social Blunders! Of course, I do have a lot of experience with social blunders, having made so many… : (

      Thanks for the kind words! Yes, I am fond of vintage polka-dots. You should see my underwear. Oh wait, I’d better do some laundry first… : )


  10. September 23, 2014 8:36 PM

    I disconnected myself from LinkedIn after getting some strange bothersome folks who I didn’t want stalking me.

    But if it works for you, great, Mark.


    • September 24, 2014 10:20 AM

      Hi, Jean! Ah, yes: strange bothersome folks… I think you’ve just summed up half the internet!!

      Well, half is too high, tho it seems that way some days. It’s probably a small percentage, really, they just stand out more because they’re so annoying. You can’t escape them, however, if you want to use social media. Ignoring them and never responding seems to be the strategy that works best.

      I’ve met some very nice people on LinkedIn, but I can’t say it’s brought me a lot of business. It is– or should be– a great source of leads, but I haven’t mastered that part yet.

      Happy trails, Jean– no better time of year for riding a bike, IMO!! : )


      • September 29, 2014 10:17 PM

        You need to hook up with some non-profit organizations. Sometimes they need a comic design for an event, T-shirt, etc.

        Do a Mark manga style book.

        Just ideas.


        • September 30, 2014 7:37 PM

          Many thanks, Jean. I’m going to retain you as my Canadian agent… : )

          I did do a theater poster for a non-profit community theater group this year– I guess that’s a start. And I’ve actually completed a short graphic novel, I just need the steely-eyed resolve to plow thru the technical requirements of a certain self-publishing platform. I’m going to have a big helping of butternut squash, and hopefully that’ll stir me to action!!

          Sincere thanks for your interest and excellent suggestions. : )


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