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Hard Luck: Mitt Romney’s Campaign Bus Gets Stuck At A Turtle Crossing

June 15, 2012

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney began a 6-state campaign bus tour today, starting in my own state of New Hampshire. His message to voters: that President Obama has done little to improve the United States economy during his term in office.

This gave me the idea for a cartoon. political editorial cartoon about the United States presidential campaign, showing Mitt Romney on his bus tour stopped at a Turtle Crossing sign with President Obama as a turtle crossing the road with words "Economic Recovery" written on his shell

What do you think? Are you following the United States presidential campaign? Do you think political cartoons make people stop and think about issues? Hope you’ll leave a comment.blank vertical space, 16 pixels high

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16 Comments leave one →
  1. June 15, 2012 3:52 PM

    Great illustration Mark. I am following the campaign and I hope cartoons cause people to think rather than hop aboard the reactionary train:-) I use illustrated cartoons in many of my presentations because it does tell a very quick story which is very effective in driving home a point.


    • June 17, 2012 12:45 PM

      Thanks, Tracey. Political cartoons seem to call for a tricky balance. Some cartoonists use them to express great anger– which can certainly get one’s attention, but can also be very off-putting. On the other hand, a political cartoon that only goes for a cheap laugh isn’t really doing its job.

      I think you’re right about cartoons and presentations. There’s something about humor that makes people more receptive, and also helps them retain new info. And I think cartoons are often a lot more audience-friendly than infographics, which can be rather densely-packed.

      Thanks for your comment, and cheerful support! : )


      • June 18, 2012 11:33 AM

        You hit the nail on the head Mark. My Dad told me it’s always better to get people to laugh with you than mad at you. Your illustrations sure have found that tremendous balance of making a statement with humor and insight!


        • June 19, 2012 7:51 AM

          Thanks, Tracey, that means a lot. I’m gonna save your comment and show it to people who tell me I’m unbalanced… : )


  2. June 17, 2012 10:01 AM

    I think political cartoons are brilliant, honest and overall very humorous 🙂 I love that art has so many faces–it can be sad, exciting, smart and sarcastic!


    • June 17, 2012 12:53 PM

      On behalf of political cartoonists everywhere, thank you for your enthusiastic support of that artform!! : )

      I was struck by your observation that Art has so many different faces. I hadn’t really thought about it that way before. It’s a very poetic way of voicing a basic truth. Thanks for a very perceptive comment, Jane, and for your kind support! : )


  3. June 18, 2012 9:06 PM

    Ahahahaha…your cartoon is fabulous! I am not following the United States presidential campaign because I don’t like politic(ian)s whoever and wherever they are. 😀


    • June 19, 2012 8:05 AM

      You don’t like politicians? I’d say that’s a sign of good mental health!! : )

      Many thanks for your good-humored comment, Inge!


  4. June 19, 2012 8:55 PM

    I don’t really follow the U.S. presidential campaigns because I tend to focus on home country politics first (Canada). But you as a satirist and cartoonist, should have fun during this campaign. Enshrine your thoughts for history’s sake.

    Seriously. It only happens every few years.

    Meanwhile I just discovered a few days ago, that I’m the same age as the Prime Minister of Canada. I can’t relate to that stodgy type of guy at all.


    • June 20, 2012 3:07 PM

      Enshrine my thoughts for history’s sake… Wow. Jean, I find your words both humbling and inspiring. I deeply appreciate your kind encouragement– thank you.

      Had to laugh about your not being able to identify with a “stodgy type” after discovering you were both the same age. I’ve had that same experience myself more than once. First the shock: no way we’re the same age! Then: where did he (the other person) go wrong, the poor blighter?? Ha!!

      Thanks again for your timely encouragement. : )


  5. June 21, 2012 1:23 AM

    Ha ha Mark! When did he START crossing!! And that turtle looks just like Obama. The look on his face says it all! It’s going to take a little longer than orginally anticipated! I think it would be so hard to come up with a concept for political humor. It takes that special MacGiggles flair! 😀


    • June 22, 2012 7:50 PM

      Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the other side of the cartoon, is why… : P

      The MacGiggles flair… I like it! I’m not sure when “flair” became synonymous with “nut-brain,” but it sounds better somehow… : )

      Thank you, dear Linda, for crossing the cyber-road to get to my post!! : )


  6. Margie permalink
    June 21, 2012 5:30 PM

    I love political cartoons. I love all cartoons. (Well maybe not all of them. The ‘funny papers’ in the newspaper don’t seem all that funny today. Not like they were when Calvin and Hobbes was being published.)

    Cartoons are a way of saying things that might not be all that socially correct if they were posted under the actual photo of a person. Can you imagine the uproar if you had pasted a photo of Obama’s head on a turtle shell?


    • June 22, 2012 8:16 PM

      I hear ya, Margie. I never thought the day would come when I pretty much skip over newspaper comics. The humor seems to have shrunk with the size of the strips. Of course, maybe we’re just getting old… Wait, what am I saying?? That theory don’t fit the facts!! The funnies just ain’t as funny– case closed!! : )

      You make an interesting and very shrewd point about cartoons: one can get away with more (satirically) in a cartoon. Perhaps because they’re seen as funny to begin with–? Dunno. Of course nowadays, even cartoons aren’t safe from the PC police. That Daily Texan cartoonist lost her job. These are perilous times for free speech.

      As always, your kind support is much appreciated! : )


  7. June 25, 2012 1:48 PM

    I can’t say that I’m attracted to political cartoons but I do like yours. Humor is the best way to express what’s in the minds of many when it comes to political cartoons.

    What never ceases to amaze me as a Canadian is how the Americans I meet online all seem to think that their President can be criticized and blamed for everything from the weather to the state of the global economy. The tortoise will win the race. Hares are coyote fodder.

    Am I following American politics? No, but then again we can’t escape hearing about American politics on the news, and those few minutes every day are more than enough for me.


    • June 26, 2012 4:22 PM

      I can see political cartoons are not your cup of castor oil. Thanks for making a little exception in my case… : )

      I think the most ludicrous blame-the-president issue has to be gas prices. Whenever they spike, political opponents blame the president. Doesn’t matter which party is in power, it happens every time. Meanwhile, can anyone agree on a coherent long-term energy policy? No.

      Sorry our political noise seeps over the border. No wonder I see beavers walkin’ around wearing earplugs up there… : )

      Thanks so much for stopping by, TT!


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