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Brands: Seek Ye First To Understand

November 17, 2017

St. Francis included this petition in his famous prayer:

“O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be understood as to understand…”

Stephen Covey adapted that sentiment for his bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:

“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

Colleen Stanley makes a similar point: We may think we understand our customer’s problem. We may hasten to offer a solution, and explain it in great detail, taking pride in our expertise.

Alas, it’s all for naught if we have listened with the intent to reply, not to understand.

We have no credibility unless our customer believes we’ve heard and understood her.blank vertical space, 24 pixels highwoman shouting with megaphone at distracted customer service rep focused on his mobile phone customers can't hear your advice until they believe you've heard understood themblank vertical space, 16 pixels high

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Thoughts? I’d appreciate your feedback.

You might also enjoy this post on Customer Service, Amazon-Style.

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About Mark: I’m an illustrator specializing in humor, branding, social media, and content marketing. I create images that get content seen and shared.

You can view my portfolio, and connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Questions? Send me an email.

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